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Summary: Decoding the Digital Operational Resilience Act

Updated: Jul 22

With less than a year to go until the date for DORA compliance, it’s essential that organisations are prepared.

Our latest whitepaper is a comprehensive overview of the Digital Operational Resilience Act and outlines the model Johnson Hana can use to ensure compliance for financial and technology companies alike.

If you need support in becoming compliant, Johnson Hana can help. Download our whitepaper to find out how and get in touch.

You can download the whitepaper here:

About Johnson Hana

Johnson Hana is Ireland’s leading alternative legal solutions provider. That means we disaggregate legal advisory and legal process work, and focus on the latter.

We offer:

Legal Process Outsourcing – whereby a specific legal process is carved out and outsourced to us

Legal Process Secondments – to augment a busy legal team or fulfil a temporary requirement for an experienced legal professional.

Historically, legal advisory and legal process work were tackled and billed in the same way. This means that all legal work has been as costly and time consuming as legal advice.

It doesn’t need to be.

We deliver legal process work through a combination of innovative legal technologies, robust project management methodologies, and expert lawyers. This approach reduces client legal spend by over 50%, while also providing totally transparent reporting and billing. This leaves our clients free to focus on the strategic, advisory work that really adds value.

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