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Global Workplace Technology Provider

To increase the efficiency of the pre-sale NDA negotiation process, our client needed an alternative solution.

Benefits delivered


Facilitated Legal Team focusing on strategic goals.


Allowed client to understand cost of sale and benefits to Legal Team.


All EMEA NDAs handled by JH.


Cost savings vs outsourcing to a law firm.

A large volume of non-disclosure agreements (NDA) are entered into by the client as part of the sales scoping process across EMEA.

The NDAs are conducted on client or counterparty paper, and with a range of counterparty  types – from SMBs, to enterprise, to governmental.

The review of the NDAs by the internal legal team was distracting from higher value adds to the client.

The legal team wished to improve the efficiency of the NDA review process in order todecrease the number of days the NDAs sit with legal and shorten the overall deal lead in time for the sales team.

The Problem

Our Solution

✓ We developed a fully managed E2E CaaS solution to handle the review of all NDAs in EMEA.

✓ Deployed via an integrated technology platform: a bespoketicket generator on a client specific NDA review channel.

✓ The technology platform facilitated status updates, queries, approvals and escalations on the NDAs.

✓ We provided data driven insights to the client on the NDA review process which demonstrated the improved efficiency of the CaaS solution as an NDA review process.

✓ The total solution removed a key blocker in the sales process, reducing overall sales cycle days and improving service levels for one of the Legal Team’s key stakeholders.

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